Thursday, February 17, 2011

Did Intel Just Leak the New MacBook Pro Design?

MacBook leak IntelI think Apple's on the verge of updating its MacBook Pro line of notebooks, but Intel may have let the cat out of the bag early with an image in an ad. 
Intel's just popped up with a new advert for "the 2nd generation of Intel Core processors" and among the visuals is a much slimmer notebook that has an unmistakable Apple-esque design. Last year Intel did something very similar, teasing the upcoming release of Core i5 chips with an ad that included a MacBook:Intel quickly adjusted the ad, but it was actually indicative of an imminent MacBook refresh. In early 2010 the tweak was merely a processor upgrade.
So what does the advert show? It seems to display a super-slim laptop that has a flat-rectangular profile, not like the wedge-profile of the Air. See that IR port on the front right of the keyboard segment? Classic Apple design, and similar to the placement on existing Pros. See the lid with its glossy black bezel, and the radius of the curves that provide a more elegant visual.  I'm not saying this definitely is a new MacBook... but I believe it to be the case.
We also know that rumors say an Intel Sandy Bridge-powered MacBook is en route in around "two weeks" and there are "additional" adjustments to the design that go beyond a new powerful CPU. Apple's even thought to be ramping up orders from manufacturers despite the chip manufacturing error that plagued Sandy Bridge's arrival on the market.
The one thing that makes us doubt this is a new MacBook is its color: Black. Apple's been focusing on aluminum unibody design a lot, touting its advantages, and left black plastic casings for its MacBooks behind a while ago. But another MacBook Pro-related rumorsuggests that along with an innovative new battery tech for longer life, the Pros will get a "stronger, lighter, more scratch resistant" aluminum material. Could this new alloy be colored too? Apple did license advanced alloy "liquid metal" tech from the Liquidmetal company just last year, so ...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Self Encrypting Hard Drives or SEDS.

In the new millennium many people have opted out of desktop computers and have entered into the realm of notebooks to handle their computing needs.  Most of those people use notebooks for their mobility, but there is a growing segment of the population who have purchased notebooks due to space requirements in their homes.  If you are one of those people in that growing segment then you probably don't need to worry about drive encryption and protecting your data as much as someone who is always on the go.

Up until recently I have preferred Western Digital hard drives over other brands because I have had fewer failures with them than I have experienced with, say, Seagate.  However, that is changing.  If you'll remember, last year I purchased a Seagate Momentus XT (500 gigabyte) hard drive and wrote a review about it, well that drive is still up and running and performing its job admirably, and now I'm thinking it might be time to purchase an SED for my Dell XPS 15, and it looks like I will be turning to Seagate again.

There are a host of software applications out there such as TrueCrypt, DiskCrypt, Microsoft's Bitlocker, etc, that will encrypt entire drives or just certain files and folders, the issue with these software applications is that they are prone to data corruption and in the case of Full Disk Encryption (FDE) they often cause a huge hit to performance due to the CPU overhead that they require.  So this rules out software as a possibility for encryption.

That leaves hardware, and more specifically that leaves the ST9500422AS Seagate Momentus Self Encrypting Hard Drive now with FIPS 140-2 certification.  It's been approved by the United States and Canadian governments for use in their laptops and is the first SED to receive it.   It runs a little more than a standard hard drive, but you have to ask yourself how important your data is to you?  Especially when approximately 10% of all notebooks are stolen in any given year.  

So even if you just use your notebook to pay your bills, isn't it worth it to you to encrypt that data?  Especially with the huge rise in identity theft?  

It is to me. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kingston SSD for 1 dollar a gigabyte. Get it quick

Here's a late entry at  128 Gigabyte Kingston SSD for $125.00 after mail in rebate, expires 2-17-2011.  While performance isn't great (when comparing to other SSDs) the price is phenomenal.

Industry Analysts have predicted the price of SSDs should be down into standard HDD price ranges by now, but that obviously hasn't happened yet.  Pricing still remains extremely high so this is a real find.  I'll wait this one out as I need more storage space than 128 gigabytes can give me, so let me know how this Solid State Drive works out for you!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Xoom, Android, Microsoft, Everyone else, and Apple

So, Motorola's Xoom is being renamed Doom before even leaving the gate.  The tablet running Android 3.0 has been labeled over-priced for what you get, and I tend to agree with this.  Also, there seem to be rumors running around that in order to enable wifi on the Xoom you'll have to pay for at least one month's worth of 3g data usage through Verizon....   What are they thinking???

Microsoft and Google seem determined to make up in quantity what they lack in quality when competing with Apple, and yet they continue to fail.  They have a multitude of devices out there running their respective operating systems and yet Apple products are still the "must haves" of the industry.

I begin to wonder if Apple's closed ecosystem is really the way to go.  Create a product, or even a line of products from the ground up, not just hardware, but software too, make it look stylish and throw it out on the market and watch it fly off the shelves.  Oh, and it doesn't hurt if you can put a groovy picture of an Apple on it too.

Sometimes I get so disgusted with how HP, Dell, Samsung, Lenovo, Sony, Acer and all the other manufacturers lag two to three years behind Apple in design that sometimes I just want to throw in the towel, replace my 4 notebooks with Macbooks, set up a NAS, and be done with Microsoft and the PC manufacturers for well and good.

I would be lying if I said I have never gone to Apple's website and perused a Macbook Pro or two, but usually once I get a look at the price, and the generally outdated hardware, I remember why I continue to buy PC's with Windows on them.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Comic Relief.

I know it's been a little serious around here lately and since I've spent the last few days studying for my Cisco Certified Network Associate certification so I can exit my current job and enter one that doesn't require Xanax, I thought a little comic relief would be in order.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dropbox and Printing From Your Smart Phone

I'm always on the look out for a better opportunity (Read: Job) and I like to keep a lot of my documents synchronized between my phone and my computers and have found Dropbox an invaluable tool for getting this done, but Dropbox can also do more than just keep your files Synchronized.
Using Dropbox, you can also send documents, attachments, spreadsheets, and naked pictures of your co-workers to be printed at home for perusal at a later time.  All you need is is this VBS Script, a Dropbox account, a computer and a printer and you are good to go.  Just download and run the VBS Script on the computer with Dropbox installed and it will create a Print Queue folder that you can drop files in which will then send them to your printer (or queue them up to be printed when you get home and turn on your computer).

There are other programs out there like PrinterShare that you can use for a nominal fee, but why bother adding another one-trick-pony background process when you can use Dropbox to do both?

The only downside I have found to Dropbox is that large files seem to time out a lot when downloading to your phone, but hopefully a resume feature will be added at some point to resolve this issue.

If you don't already have a Dropbox account you can sign up for one right here and also boost my storage space by 250 megabytes in the process.  Don't worry, Dropbox is free.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Farmville Automation Style?

For those of you addicted to Farmville but never have enough time to do everything you want in the game, such as visit all your neighbors, there is a new product out there by BOTOHOLIC.COM that will bring your Farm into the new age by automating all your Farmville tasks in the background while you do things like, work (shyeah right) or watch Youtube videos and chat with your friends.

While I don't agree with it, I know there are a ton of you out there who are just dying to automate your game of Farmville, so have at it.

V.Reader, Kindle for the Kids?

It has been a month since my three and a half year old girl opened her V.Reader and began using it.  It's a great little device and at first she was hooked on it for hours a day, but as time has passed she doesn't seem to be as interested in it as she used to be. (This could be because we had to remove it from her possession as a punishment at one point and she is afraid we might do it again).

I think her biggest problem with the V.Reader is her lack of patience with it.  My daughter, God Bless Her, has very little patience for things such as load times and lag...  And there are times when the V.Reader does lag and does take a while to load the software for her.  She will incessantly tap the on display to get it to register because she doesn't want to wait the few seconds it takes for the V.Reader to catch up with her, but I think with another month or so of time and some teaching, she will get the hang of it and it won't be an issue.

My biggest complaint with the V.Reader is that the cartridge slot is too tight for her little 3 year old hands to manipulate.  She always has to come to myself or mommy to help her change out cartridges, and that gets to be a real hassle when she wants to change them out every 5 minutes or so.  Part of the idea behind purchasing the V.Reader for her is that she uses it to occupy herself which is something my daughter is not very good at.  Up until recently she relied on us for all her entertainment needs and my wife and I found ourselves being run ragged until we managed to take back control of the situation.

Another, smaller, issue is that the device will eat double A's like gangbusters.  She went through 4 double A  Duracell batteries in an 8 hour time period on her first day (I'm really glad I bought the Sanyo Eneloop batteries for her V.Reader.  These batteries are perfect for her V.Reader because they will hold a charge for up to 3 years.  So, should she decided to set the V.Reader down for a couple weeks, she can come back to it, turn it on, and still have plenty of charge time left.  Other rechargeable batteries tend to lose their charge over the course of a few weeks whether they are being used or not.  Keep this in mind when purchasing any battery powered device like this for your child or you may find yourself on constant recharge duty at the most inconvenient of times.

On the upside, this device is truly quite rugged,  my daughter has put the V.Reader through its paces and it has survived splendidly.  While she has yet to finish a book, she has gotten 40% to 50% done with several of them and it has become (or will again) her main source of entertainment when she is tasked with occupying herself while we do things like clean, cook dinner or otherwise need to use the bathroom without her banging on the door asking us what we are doing.

There are other devices on the market similar to the V.Reader but they require so much interaction from the parents that sometimes it's like the parents are having to learn how to read all over again, so if you want your child to get a head start on learning how to read and perform simple arithmetic, then I highly recommend the V.Reader.

One last thing, with a 2 Gigabyte SD card you can also purchase and download books to the V.Reader directly from the web site.  This is a great way to keep your child learning and entertained in between those runs to the store to pick up more books for them.

Also, always remember that your child needs other forms of stimulation too, old school items like coloring books and puzzles are great for teaching your child to be creative and problem solving skills.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Verizon Wireless Customers: Beware the iPhone 4

The mostly glass iPhone 4 may not be as strong as Apple contends.  Recently, California resident Donald LeBuhn filed a class action lawsuit against Apple, claiming that the iPhone 4 is not as strong as Apple claims it to be.

Popular smart phone insurer Square Trade has also released a report that the iPhone 4 is 68% more likely to be damaged in an accident than the iPhone 3GS, and they also report an 82% higher rate of damaged screens.

Start saving your pennies now, as not only do the apps tend to cost more, it looks like the cost of insuring the iPhone (and the high deductible) may be in your future as well.   It is a steep price to pay to have a phone with an Apple on the back of it.

According to Apple, the glass found on the iPhone 4 is '20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic.' Apparently none of this matters when you drop the device from about 3 feet up as the glass tends to shatter on impact.  Something my wife's plastic Blackberry Bold has managed to avoid (and she drops it about 2-3 times a week) for the last several months.

It's no secret that my wife is hard on her phones, and she likes the cool factor of the iPhone 4, however she will be the first to admit that the iPhone 4 would not stand up to her abuse, and she is now looking to a more durable Android phone to use her upgrade on.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Writers can publish their works on the Kindle, did you know?

This isn't exactly news, but a lot of writers who might have missed the boat are probably sitting around wondering how they can self publish without incurring a great deal of cost.  Maybe you've shopped your novel around and haven't found any takers, or maybe you just want to go straight to eBook with your new novel, in any case, feel free to grab this eBook on how you can directly publish your works to the Amazon's

Official Playstation App for iPhone and Android users.

If you're located in the United Kingdom and own an iPhone or Android smart phone, then you've probably already gotten a hold of the official PlayStation app released by Sony. (It allows you to play PS1 games).  Right now there is no app for the U.S. market, but I ran across the .apk out in the wild.  You can download it here: Playstation App for Android.

Please remember that many features available in the app are U.K. specific, so when the U.S. version is released, make sure you remove this one and grab the official U.S. version.

Android 2.3+ is required for this app to work and you can check out the official press release here: Sony Press Release


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Verizon's iPhone 4 is imminent, some things you should be aware of.

With the impending release of the iPhone 4 on Verizon's network, there are a lot of questions to be answered.  I recently called in and spoke with a customer service representative about several different things and I walked away from that conversation with very little information.

What I have found out is that the unlimited data plan for the iPhone 4 may be temporary.  Meaning, Verizon may decide to switch to a tiered pricing plan for iPhone 4 users at some point in the future.  I could not get a straight answer from the representative as to whether or not the unlimited data plan (29.99) pricing was a promotional offer or if it would be permanent for the length of the 2 year contract.  I was left with the vague sense that it would be permanent, but you should call and get your representative to document his or her answer in your account just in case it turns out later that he or she was wrong.

Next comes the insurance.  Verizon currently has no idea if Asurion will even offer iPhone insurance or not, and if they do, at what cost it will be and how much the deductible will run (Through AT&T the deductible is $199.99).  Fortunately for us, there is always Squaretrade insurance for the iPhone*.  It's relatively inexpensive ($99.00 as of this writing) and the deductible is $50.00 for a repair.  If they can't repair it, they'll cut you a check for $600.00 so you can buy another one.

AppleCare doesn't cover damage, it only covers the device from manufacturer's defects so it's not really a viable option here.

Remember to get all the facts before you order that new iPhone 4 on Verizon's network or you could see your monthly bill skyrocket. (Asurion charges $11.99 a month on AT&T's network for iPhone 4 coverage and the deductible is $199.99)

Last but not least, before buying your case or other iPhone 4 accessories, verify that it will work with your Verizon iPhone, some reports suggest that the devices may not be built exactly the same and AT&T iPhone 4 accessories may not fit your new Verizon iPhone 4.

*Squaretrade insurance does not cover loss or theft.

Monday, January 24, 2011

IRS2GO App let's you check your refund status using your Android smart phone.

Apparently the Internal Revenue Service has decided to get into the app game for Android by offering the IRS2Go mobile app. For the first time ever you can check out your tax refund status using nothing more than your smart phone.

Not only can you get updates on your filing status, but you can also sign up for email updates and follow the IRS on Twitter as well. (why you would really want to, I have no idea).  I guess all we need now is Turbo Tax for our phones....

While I am a little skeptical about the security implemented for this app, I know most iPhone users and a good portion of Android users won't really care, so for Android users I've created and posted the QR code.  Have fun...


*Non-Electronic filers need not download, as it will take 3-4 weeks for your filing status to be updated.

**Apple users can also grab it from the App store.

Tablet devices, their price points, and how they measure up to notebooks

So what's the deal here? A Motorola Xoom is going to run $699.00 at launch, but it still has the functionality of a smart phone. You can get a full sized and powered notebook for at or less than that these days and that includes a keyboard.

Tablets are destined to take over the netbook and possibly the low end notebook segments, but until I can sit down and write a full 450 page novel on one, it's not going to happen. These devices are in their infancy and they are extremely limited in what they can do, but companies like Motorola seem to think that it's ok to price these devices well into the notebook range, and they expect to sell a LOT of them. Maybe someday, but not right now.

The fact of the matter is that the O.S's being offered, and the applications being offered, do not give you the full notebook experience. They suffer from exactly the same limitations as the apps on our smartphones. Currently, even a netbook can do better than what these devices offer.

If Apple and Motorola want to see these devices push out the netbook and low end notebook, then they need to get to work on a full range of productivity applications that are just as good, if not better, than what we can get on our notebooks.

Don't get me wrong, I've been intensely interested in a tablet/keyboard combo so that I can sell a couple of my full sized notebooks and further slim down my electronic clutter, but I need applications for those devices that will allow me to use them as I would my notebooks, and unfortunately we're just not there yet.

When I can tap out a novel on one of these things, complete with illustrations, then we'll see. Until then, I'm stuck with my notebooks.

Why do the cameras on phones still suck?

For 2011 I have decided to slim down on the "stuff" that I have accumulated over the years, and this includes the Flip I am currently charging to make sure it still functions.  I tested it out earlier by taking some video and then viewing it to make sure its only function still works.

What I immediately noticed upon viewing the video I took of my cat snoring is that the Flip's camera is really good in low light conditions, and it made me wonder why, in 2011, can't smart phones produce the same kind of quality that this little Flip can?

I used my Droid X (Motorola) to take HD video of my daughter opening up her Christmas presents this year and I was more than a little disappointed with the grainy quality that I got back and I thought to myself that if this is a top of the line smart phone, then why is the video quality so poor?  

The real answer seems to be that a lot of manufacturers also sell cameras (though I don't believe Motorola does) and they purposely put low end cameras in these phones to keep costs down and to push people into buying cameras and video recorders to obtain better quality pictures and video, even so, this bugs me because I know they are capable of doing better, the manufacturers just choose not to.

Another problem that arises is that the manufacturers of these devices still seem to be stuck on megapixel count even though it's been debunked over and over again.  Megapixels do not equal a better quality digital image or video and I think the majority of consumers realize this now (unless they're stuck back in 2004), so why do these companies continue to push megapixel count and forget about quality all together?  Do they really think that consumers are not aware that a higher megapixel count can actually cause more hot spots (grain) on an image than a lower count and better quality camera or video recorder? Or are Americans still really stuck on the idea that a higher pixel count means better.  Are we as consumers still this uneducated in this day and age?....... Ok, I work in Tech Support so I know the answer to this is a big YES, but c'mon, why can't some of these companies start breaking from this pattern and start producing and selling a better quality camera that can be integrated into our smartphone.  My carrying case that I have to lug with me everywhere I go is only so big, after all.

Am I the only one that feels this way?  Aren't we all tired of carrying around a multitude of devices to do a job that we know for a fact could be performed quite well by a single device?